Stock market outlets chatting about Netflix and Meta Facebook online

Stock market outlets chatting about Netflix and Meta Facebook online
Stock market outlets chatting about Netflix and Meta Facebook online

Two big-cap technology stocks that have done very well over the past 10 months, our Netflix and Facebook, which is known as Meta now. Both of the stocks went down quite a bit a couple of years ago. But in the last year they have made an amazing comeback as far as stock price in, we discuss various stocks in the stock market. In this stocks outlet blog, we will be discussing Facebook, Netflix, and other stock market topics.

Facebook (Meta) and Netflix NFLX Stocks Chatting Online about Strong Rebound in Stocks

When the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates, to stocks that went down were Facebook and Netflix. So how did these two big tech stocks react when their stock price went down by over 50%? Well, for one, they started cutting back on costs. Both companies decided to cut back on their workforce and try to be more efficient. Many investors thought this was a good idea. Many had complained that they had efficiencies in their workforce. By doing so both Facebook and Netflix have shown better earnings over the last 2 quarters. Netflix’s symbol is NFLX and Facebook’s symbol is META on the stock market. 

Now though, many people are wondering, is the ball run over, and or are tech stocks becoming overpriced?

Big question, will the Federal Reserve lower interest rates in 2024?

Some people feel that the Federal Reserve may lower interest rates in 2024? That is hard to say. The signs are that the Federal Reserve may lower interest rates a little by the end of the year, but many outside factors may change this. For instance, inflation has been sticky and hard to keep under control.

How will Netflix and Meta stocks do by the end of 2024?

The fact that both stocks have gone up after coming way down a couple of years ago has been good for the investors. But will this trend continue? It is hard to say, but generally, a Stock does not go straight up after being down over 50%. There are ups and downs, as some investors want to take some profits. The one thing that has helped both stocks is that both have cut costs and overhead. This has produced better earnings. The big question is, can they keep their costs down and increase their profits? Not many people thought that these two stocks would rebound so fast from their low prices just a year or 2 ago.

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Best Facebook Meta Stock Discussion Online

Any stock that goes down over 60 percent in a short time, and comes up over 300 percent within 18 months is quite rare. Meta stock went from over 300 in 2021 to less than 100 in October 2022. By Feb 2024, it had gone up to over 450 and a market cap of over 1 trillion dollars.  Meta stock used to have a stock symbol of FB. Now’s parent company stock symbol is META. Having gone up over 400 percent is an amazing feat. 

Stock Market Blogging Online about NFLX & META – Netflix NFLX Stock Rebound Blogging Online and Netflix Stocks Market Cap Blog 

Netflix (NFLX) stock price like Meta had gone down a lot by the end of 2022. The stock price had gone from over 600 in 2021, to under 190 by the end of 2022. The rebound in NFLX stock has been amazing as well. The stock price now is over 580, with a market cap of over 250 billion dollars. Hence it has gone up considerably from the 2022 lows. 

Best Netflix and Facebook Stocks Blog Online – NFLX and META Stock price run-up in 2023

As mentioned, is now called Meta on the stock market and Netflix’s symbol is NFLX.  Both stocks went down a lot in 2022 and then rebounded by the end of the following year – by the end of 2023.  The trend has continued so far in 2024, but this may not last? Both of these stocks have been quite volatile as far as stock prices over the past 5 years. Interestingly enough, both stocks went up when they cut the size of their staff. Will they cut more or will they need to increase their staff size with increased demand? We would welcome your feedback and suggestions on these 2 stocks and others. 

StocksOutlet – Stock Market Discussion and Not Stock Picking Advice

Any stocks mentioned on StocksOutlet are being done only on a general analysis form. That is, we do not make stock recommendations. All individuals need to make their own choices. Stocks can go up and down – and are hard to predict. is networking with local stock market tech companies and stock bloggers. We are looking for expert financial and stock analysts to provide their insights to us. Any stock mentioned in our stock blog is only being referenced as general information – and not any form of stock market advice. 

Summary – Stocks Outlet Discussion and Local Stock Market Chatting about Netflix and Meta:

We discussed how after both stocks had gone down a lot in 2022, they both rebounded quite a bit. The stock market can be very volatile. Stocks can go up and down, and then back up. We mentioned how both NFLX and META stocks went way down by the end of 2022, and now have rebounded a lot by Feb 2024. There will most likely continue to be many ups and downs in the upcoming couple of years.

We want people to be Stocks Market Outlet Chatting Online and Stock Market Blogging Online with us at Excellent time to be marketing and networking with us at StocksOutlet. We are networking with stock market social media groups. is also networking with local stock bloggers and stock companies.  We want to provide interesting information to our users. Again, all users should do their due diligence, as the stock market can be volatile and unpredictable.

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